Tuesday, November 6, 2007

And I'm off...

Going for a run today with Gilbert's Gazelles. I trained with them last year around this time until my IT band starting causing me issues. My friends who are training with him are much faster.

On the 'back to ireland' front, I'm signed up for a 4 day bike mechanic class so I can become a cool bike mechanic chick.


iplayhockey said...

Those IT bands are pesky. Mine put me in physical therapy for 4 months until we found the area that was causing the issues. Daily IT band stretching is a part of my life now.
I was discharged at the end of July and have slowly built my running up to 2.5 miles. Next stop, the Turkey Trot 5K in Flemington on Thanksgiving morning.

Good luck with your running. I feel your pain.

CQ said...

Yeah, IT band is a major issue. When I hurt mine last year, I was just gearing up to being training for my first marathon. I was so disheartened by the whole thing but I have a GREAT trainer/chiropractor/PT person who healed me up.

Now I know to go to her at the first sign of any pain I may have.

Good luck in the Turkey Trot coming up. We have one by the same name in Austin also!