Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Still day 2...

I posted three previous posts to this one that told of my plane trip away, experiences in Newark, and the beginnings of my trip. Those are posted back in the September section if you are feeling like reading or re-reading them.

Once I arrived at The Old Ground Hotel in Ennis, I was relieved to drop my two massive bags with the front desk. The question now was what in the world I was going to do for the next three and a half hours before I met my group. Sleeping wasn’t much of an option because the hotel was really, really nice and I didn’t think they’d want a vagabond to shack up on their antique couches for some shut eye. I decided to walk around town a bit. I checked out the Catholic church which was just finishing up Sunday mass. I went in and took a look around, knelt for a little prayer of good travels, and walked around town again. There are only so many times you can walk around a town the size of Ennis- though it is quaint and charming, the fourth time you pass the river you don’t really feel any new inspiration.

I again walked back to the hotel and this time decided I’d hit them up for something to drink. The front desk woman was exceptionally nice and called the bellboy over to bring me a hot kettle of tea. It was so good and the caffeine was a nice addition to my sleep deprived body. I sat for a while, reading over my VBT paperwork, drank my tea and then decided there was nothing left to do but walk again. After being cooped up on the plane for so long, walking was nice but I was getting tired. I just had to find enough energy to meet my group and get the trip started. I was nervous and anxious and super excited.

I’m ending this post for now but will post again later today hopefully with more on my second day. I cant wait to write about the surfing and, of course, the first dog I met on this trip.

Here are some interesting pictures I took in Ennis- goofy as they may be.

First off is a fabulous picture taken from the bus leaving Shannon airport.

This was just an interesting pillar that is the entrance to a neighborhood.

The birds in Ireland are HUGE!!! I’ve made statements regarding the cattle heads being enormous on the islands and my family has laughed, but nobody can deny that the crows here are insane. They could give Mr.Furley a run for his money on size and pounds. I’m sure I looked pretty odd, lugging my bags to the hotel with my camera in hand, chasing the monstrous birds around. My guess is that their middles were over a foot long (not counting tail feathers and head) and they were about a half a foot wide. I never really got close enough to make an actual measure.

Here is a picture of the ducks and other birds on the river that flows through Ennis.

An out of focus street sign. I’d love to say that I took this as the bus zipped by but alas, I was standing still. I promise, my camera skills got much, much better as the trip went.

And finally in my picture book of randomness- This is the recycle bin in someone’s front yard. Again, I’m sure I looked odd taking a picture of it but hopefully they thought I was a German tourist and not American. (Funny thing on that note, when I am in a crowd over here and need to get by, I don’t say “Excuse me” with my southern American accent. I usually say “Scusi” which is excuse me in Italian. Its only a small difference but many countries don’t like American tourists almost as much as Germans. If I say it Italian-style, in my mind, they are more likely to move to the side.)

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